Kenneth de Guzman


I am studying for a B.S. in Computer Science in the Department of Information and Computer Sciences at the University of Hawaii. I expect to graduate in Spring, 2025.

Interests: Game Design, Machine Learning, Web Development, Software Engineering


Toaster Eats 2024

My team and I created a website that allows busy college students to navigate tasty meal options tailored to their constraints with time and budget. It provides users with a platform for creating and sharing recipes, with the support of nearby vendors.

Software Engineering Project Management Web Development

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Network of Islands 2023

I was part of a team that used algorithms to plan a network of routes that efficiently distributed goods and facilitated travel among the islands in the Polynesian Triangle in ICS 311.

Algorithms Weighted Graphs Fruchterman-Reingold

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Scratch MIT Platformer 2018

My team developed a platformer game on Scratch MIT that aims to help the user's character lose weight in a series of levels where the player must avoid unhealthy meal choices, instead opting for a well-balanced diet.

Scratch Platformer

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Hawai'i History Day 2017

I participated in the 2017 Hawai'i History Day State Fair and was awarded the Hawai'i Nikkei Historical Editorial Board for my research paper. The essay detailed the inspiring life of runaway slave and iconic abolitionist, Frederick Douglass.

State Fair Research Competition

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A Retrospective Outlook

05 May 2024

A New Branch An eventful semester in the Spring semester of 2024 at UH Mānoa has lamentably ended, but not without its merits. In retrospect, this time has markedly provided me with a fundamental view of and allowed me to...

Software Engineering Agile Project Management Design Patterns

Fabricated Competence?

05 May 2024

I. Introduction In an age of information where knowledge is readily accessible, artificial intelligence has resoundingly stood as one of the most premier developments that can be used in a variety of landscapes. However, its usage has been one of...

Artificial Intelligence Software Development

The Pattern Playbook

24 Apr 2024

An Architectural Blueprint Design patterns are not just a set of guidelines for structuring code, they are a powerful tool for solving recurring problems in software development. They provide a template—a set of guidelines for structuring code for various purposes....

Design Patterns Software Development

Boots on the Ground

21 Feb 2024

An Essential Structure UI frameworks are a foundational tool for front-end web development, streamlining the process of designing responsive and visually appealing websites. As with most applications, efficiency is vital since we want more time to think about our code...

UI Frameworks Bootstrap 5 HTML CSS

Are Coding Standards Necessary?

07 Feb 2024

A trivial perspective Coding standards are a double-edged sword, offering a sense of conformity for better readability and consistency across different programs, while to others, it may seem like a thorn in the side. For me, using ESLint on IntelliJ...

ESLint IntelliJ Coding Standards

A Fork in the Road

25 Jan 2024

Moving onward? Growing up, I developed a mannerism of gaining interests and hobbies with many things, often attempting to improve on them by putting in the effort to practice. A simple two-step cycle: Learn, practice, repeat. However, there’s a limit...

Learning Diligence Effort

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